Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mini Cupcakes in 10 minutes!!

As most of you know I am obsessed with cupcakes! So for Christmas my thoughtful brother bought me a mini cupcake maker! I had to just share with you all! It is absolutely amazing & I have already broken it in with a request from my adorable nephew! Our mini cupcakes were “mini” indeed but they taste so rich and were done in merely 10 minutes!
In addition, it comes with a book of recipes to make a bunch of unique cupcakes & muffins!!!

Keep on the lookout for more unique and fun recipes that I am excited to share with you all!!!


1 comment:

Jamille Costa said...

how cute !!!! can you blog about cake poppers. a friend wants to make those for her baby shower and we are wondering how and if anyone knows any cute ideas. :)